myCCTV Recovery

Contacts and support

Company contacts

It is possible to get in touch with the developer of myCCTV Recovery via the contact form or by e-mail:

Frequently asked questions

Below are answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the operation of myCCTV Recovery. If you are interested in any additional information, you can write to the developer of the program.

How safe is the usage of myCCTV Recovery?

The software performs non-destructive data recovery, without making any modifications to the original storage. Also, it functions entirely on-site and doesn’t transfer any content to distant locations. Therefore, it won’t have any impact on the integrity or security of the data, provided that the storage device doesn’t have any hardware defects. However, in case of a failing digital medium, you are strongly advised to consult a reliable service center instead of experimenting with a DIY procedure, as it entails the risk of irremediable data loss.

Will the program handle any CCTV camera system?

The reference list of surveillance devices and formats supported by myCCTV Recovery is provided in the product specifications on the myCCTV Recovery page in the Software Store. Yet, since these appliances may employ a large variety of specific technologies, it is anyway recommended to run a free Trial version of the software. Doing so, you can know for sure if it will cope successfully with the given device instance.

Will myCCTV Recovery restore any kind of data?

The software can be used to extract digital video of most formats, even when the file containers are absent or were seriously damaged. Still and all, the lost data must be physically present on the supported storage device. For example, the program cannot be applied in cases when other data was written over the footages in question, whether by the CCTV system, third-party utilities, low-level formatting or any other processes. Also, it is important to remember that in some situations, the information doesn’t end up being actually written to storage as a result of an unexpected issue.

Can myCCTV Recovery fix a corrupted storage?

myCCTV Recovery belongs to the category of data recovery software. It examines the storage, discovers the missing recordings, if necessary, reconstructs them from fragments and offers you to copy the results to another location. That being said, it is not intended to fix the configuration of a storage or make any adjustments to its content. On the whole, it is extremely undesirable to employ any "repair" utilities unless all the required videos have already been copied to another device.

What quality of the recovery result should I expect?

Generally, like any type of data, the lost video content will remain on the storage only until its space is occupied by new information written to the device. For this reason, the quality of video recovery is directly related to the amount of writing that takes place after the moment of its loss. In addition, the size of video files and the availability of free space may also matter for the possibility to bring them back.

When fragments of a larger video file are spread all over the storage, it is highly probable that, sooner or later, it will get partly overwritten. Plus, when running out of space, the system will be inclined to use the released room to allocate new data.

Furthermore, different types of file systems have different approaches to organizing data on a storage device and to preparing it for deletion. Thus, the success may depend greatly on the applied file system, as it may leave more or fewer chances to regain the video.

At the same time, myCCTV Recovery is geared with intelligent video reconstruction mechanisms. It is capable of verifying the validity of each frame in a video stream, analyzing them to discover the required metadata and assembling the related frames into a continuous recording. Thus, it can offer the quality of results unattainable with a multipurpose data recovery solution.

Can I try out the program before purchasing a license?

You can evaluate its effectiveness by using the free Trial version. This version includes all the functionality available in the software, but limits the size of the recovered videos that can be saved. To get the Trial version, please, go to the webpage of the corresponding myCCTV Recovery product in the Software Store – One-Time Use or Multiple Use, depending on the intended usage pattern.

What is meant by a "One-Time Use License"?

This licensing approach implies that you can activate the purchased license to save the footages restored during a single recovery session. If you wish, you can initiate a scan multiple times. Yet, your license will be valid to remove the trial limitations for copying the results of only one instance of a scan.

What is meant by a "Multiple Use License"?

This license type makes the program is available for use on a particular computer for the whole license duration period you choose yourself when placing an order. As long as your license remains in force, you may perform any number of scan operations and save any amount of recovered footages without trial limitations.

The program doesn’t show my external drive, what can I do?

First, click the "Refresh storages" button so that the software could update the information about the recently attached devices. After that, check the connection of a data cable and make sure that the drive is properly powered (e.g. 3.5-inch hard drives require an external power source, besides the USB port). Also, you may try using a different slot to exclude the possibility of its damage.

Next, ensure that Windows detects this drive as a device.

Open the context menu of "Computer" and select the "Manage" option. Navigate to "Storage" and then choose "Disk management". Alternatively, open the Run command window by using the Windows Key + R combination. After that, type in diskmgmt.msc and press the Enter key to launch Disk Management. Check if the drive is present in the list.

Important: When you connect a drive that has been previously used under another OS, Windows may prompt for its formatting. Decline this operation, as it will result in more extensive data loss.

Windows detects my external drive, but myCCTV Recovery still doesn't see it. What should I do next?

Ensure that you run the program using the local administrator account. It is required to provide myCCTV Recovery with access to physical drives.

If other drives (except the required one) show up in the software, this may indicate a bad cluster on sector 0 of the drive.

How can I find the necessary partition?

First of all, choose the right drive from the list by the name or capacity. After that, you will be presented with the set of partitions available on it. Pick out the suitable one based on its size or type of file system.

Where can I find the restored videos?

You may find them in the destination folder you’ve specified at the last step of the video recovery process. This folder will contain subfolders that may correspond to the camera numbers, creation dates, original folder structure, etc., depending on the sorting principle that was chosen initially for navigation through the obtained footages.

Why does the format of recovered footages differ from the original one?

The application is equipped with a special video transmuxing technique. During the final phase of the recovery process, it places the obtained video into the universal *.AVI container file. Unlike the majority of CCTV formats, such files can be opened with any standard media player and thus viewed without any difficulties. Despite that, the initial content and order of frames is preserved, so this manipulation doesn’t affect the authenticity of video evidence.

Do the reconstructed videos remain credible from the perspective of forensics?

Yes, myCCTV Recovery doesn’t tamper the video content or in any other way compromise the reliability of the digital evidence.